English Fluency Program

Expand your business English vocabulary in the Pharmaceutical Industry


Significantly improve your English communication skills​


Be easily understood by your English colleagues & clients


Confidently express yourself in business meetings, at interviews, and in presentations

How Can I Help You

The Program

There are a few program options – depending on where you are with your English fluency, and where you’d like to be.

My favourite is the 10 week challenge which involves:

  • 1 to 2 sessions a week
  • For 10 weeks

We concentrate on 3 main pillars:


Confidently presenting marketing plans in Pharma


Attend interviews without fear that English skills will let you down.


Presenting sales figures and product data with elegance

Whilst covering these 3 main pillars, we learn and practice the relevant vocabulary and phrasal verbs, commonly used phrases, idioms, so that you are confident to speak up at meetings and interviews as a pharmaceutical professional.

We’ll also correct any glaring grammar issues, or pronunciation that might confuse your audience.

I coach one-on -one, or very small groups – online. I send you all the slides after each lesson so that you can practice. I have found that if you learn and practice presenting the data or sales figures once, you have the required vocabulary and phrases under your belt, and then can apply them over and over again.

Similarly with products. Once we have practiced and presented a product plan for one product, we can apply the technique again and again.

After 10 weeks your confidence and fluency will definitely have improved.

Message me to arrange a quick virtual coffee chat, and I can answer any questions and give you a few tips and feedback on your English.

Why This Progam?

By the end of my program you will be able to:


Describe the benefits of your product elegantly in English


Present the sales data confidently in English


Present your marketing plan easily in English


Fluently conduct an English interview with a native English speaker


You will be familiar with Vocabulary, phrasal verbs, common English expressions and sayings – all related to the pharma industry.


When you learn expressions that relate to you and your job, you remember them – and then you can apply them to different aspects of your life.

Best English Teacher!

Hi Janine. I want to thank you for what you are teaching me. I am happy to have met you. You for me are the best English teacher I have ever had. Than you from the bottom of my heart. See you on Thursday!

More Confident in My Job!

"Janine made me a lot more confident in my job as well as with my English."

Rose Just

Best Coach!

“Best coach for speaking English confidently. She knows my job better than me”

“I’m so glad that I found you”

What to Expect

The Process

After you’ve contacted me (via email or phone) to say you are interested in hearing more about my English Fluency Program…



Step 1

We set up a quick informal zoom meeting to assess your current English communication skills, and find out where you’d like to be.


Start Lessons

Step 2

If you are are a good fit for my program and all is good, we set the start date and have the first lesson.



Step 3

If, after the second lesson, you’d like to continue with the 10 sessions then I send you an invoice.

Take Your English Fluency To The Next Level!

Boost Your Confidence!

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